- The Lancet. Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- The Lancet Infectious Diseases
- The Laryngoscope
- The Mediterranean Journal of Otology
- The Oncologist
- The Open Conference Proceedings Journal
- The Open Ophthalmology Journal
- The Pharma Innovation
- The Pharmacogenomics Journal
- The Plant Journal
- The Ring
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
- The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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- Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
- Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology
- Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease
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- Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
- Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease
- Therapeutic Advances in Urology
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
- Theriogenology
- Thermochimica Acta
- Thin Solid Films
- THINK : studenckie naukowe czasopismo internetowe
- Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon
- Thrombosis and Haemostasis
- Thrombosis Research
- Thyroid Research
- Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere
- Tissue Antigens
- Tobacco Control
- Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości. Polish Journal of Commodity Science
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- Toxicological Sciences
- Toxicology
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- Toxins
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- Trace Elements in Medicine
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- Translational Lung Cancer Research
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- Translational Research
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- Transplant International
- Transplantation
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- Transport Problems
- Transportation Research Procedia
- Transylvanian Review
- Travma
- Treatment strategies. Dermatology
- Trends in Cancer Research and Chemotherapy
- Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism